jueves, 30 de junio de 2016


La Meiosis es proceso de división celular que se relaciona con la reproducción sexual. Este proceso consiste en la duplicación de la célula, en la meiosis el organismo celular se separa en dos y luego este en dos más, en el proceso de metamorfosis, la nueva parte generada se forma y evoluciona en otra igual, con las mismas características, funciones e identidad, esta es la manera en que los gametos, espermatozoides y óvulos, son formados. El proceso de meiosis se lleva a cabo dentro de los órganos reproductores. Este proceso está formado por cuatro etapas:

1) Interfase: en esta etapa es cuando el ADN se separa en dos partes, por lo tanto aumenta su tamaño.Este el comienzo de la meiosis.

2) Profase: Los cromosomas moleculares se cruzan, dejando que la identidad de cada una de las fases se separe, desaparece la membrana celular, el diploide ya está listo para tomar forma.

3) Anafase: Estos cromosomas se dirigen a los polos del nuevo cuerpo celular que fue formado y hacen su nueva vida.

4) Telofase: En la última etapa, se forma  la membrana celular de estas dos nuevas células creadas, esta membrana se forma por separado.En esta etapa cada una tiene su propio material genético, siendo independientes de cada una, se procede a la formación y a la producción de más células por este mismo proceso de meiosis.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

The Wall

The Wall, by Pink Floyd

By: Tiraboschi Santiago, Ponti Mateo and Martínez Cerana catalina

1. The boy sees masks on the faces of the people in the train. Later he sees similar masks on the faces of the children in his fantasy. What is the meaning of that?

The meaning is tat the same for both situations, they are victims of a system. The white masks symbolizes that no matter who the person is, they are treated as if they don't feel anything, like robots that have to follow a structure no matter what. They don't have the opportunity of saying their thoughts, they have to continue with an order.

2. The riot scene ends and the camera returns to the boy in the classroom as the children recite the lesson. Think of a possible explanation for this.

The explanation could be that despite the children are reciting the lesson he doesn't forget what their thoughts and feelings are and he still has hope.

3. What kind of education does the movie portray? Use the song “The happiest days of our lives” to help you.

In the movie education is seen as a way to break what makes children unique and different. An education that is not real but is manipulative. Teachers are shown with absolute authority and power and they use it to humiliate their students by mocking the way of thinking or by hurting them if they do something they aren't supposed to. That is not a way of teaching, they are forced to learn a rude way.

4. Education is only one of the various social institutions the movie deals with. What others did you notice and how are they portrayed?

The movie apart from education also deals with work, family and society. Showing a rigid order and structure that, no matter wha,t it could not be break. This reflection remembers us to the part where the singer was feeling bad, he can't even move but anyway its duty and responsibility is to go to that concert.

5. We, in Argentina, often rely on education to solve most of our social problems. We blame education, or the lack of it, for many of them. Consider the huge success (described in the text below) of the song “Another brick in the wall” which claims “we don’t need no education” and compare it to what you think about education.

We believe that as much as in Argentina and in other countries, education is very important, it is what allows us to grow as a society and also the lack of it is to blame for some problems as a hole. We are in favor of education, but one like nowaday, one that allows you to grow in knowledge and  as a person. a healthy education that takes your way of thinking and open new possibilities regarding it.

6. Up to what extent is education a way of “thought control”?

We think that education have lot to be with thought controlled, manly in children where theirs minds are still moldeables. One the other hand, nowadays teachers can not control our minds as they could at that time, because we can give our position and point of view.

7. Explain the meaning of the double-hammer symbol. Use the scene “In the flesh” to answer.

The meaning of the double-hammer is because the hammer can be use for only two things, opposite things, built and construct. Two facts that are constantly shown in the movie, for example we can relation the double-hammer with the education the children receive, where all their thoughts and ways of thinking are destroyed so as to construct new ideas.

8. The children falling into the meat grinder is a visual metaphor that makes a powerful point. What is the metaphor and what point does it make?

For us that visual image is a symbol of hopeless, of accepting that they can't do nothing at respect. They knew there is a way of learning that will not change where their creativity and imagination are prohibited, they don't have freedom of expression and their minds are completely washed and ruined.

9. What is the wall? Can you say whether it is a good thing or not?

In our opinion the wall can represent two ideas;
The wall could be a division, could be the thing that separated the different thoughts and behaviours on the other hand could be related with the society being created at that time, all with the same way of thinking and with their minds manipulated ending up being a cold and equal brick in the wall.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

L’Alliance Française

L’Alliance Française

Le mardi 17 mai, nous avons visité L´Alliance française. Nous avons partis de l'école à huit heures vers le centre villeet bien, le voyage a été très long et fatigant, nous étions désireux d'arriver.
Plus tard, nous trouvons un bâtiment élégant et très joli. Nous avons ensuite être divisés en deux groupes d'étudiants sur notre niveau de français (DELF A1 ou A2). Tandis qu'un groupe est allé à la médiathèque, l'autre a vu des vidéos différentes dans une salleune classe de compréhension de l’orale. Nous avons participé et aussi nous avons parlé française mais timidement.  Les deux groupes ont traversé ces expériences amusantes et agréables mais malheureusement ces activités ont duré peu de temps. La visite a été excellente et nous avons appris beaucoup!